The day has arrived, my wonderful hubby of 5 years and father of my 2 little chitlens has finally graduamated!
He was so deboniar, my little Cum Laude extrodianare, who almost choked on his tassel as he walked across the stage! We have been college students our entire dating and marriage career, so now that he is done, we just don't know what to do with ourselves. I think I will go back, I only have about a year and a half left. (ps, don't I look CUTE in my Bella/Edward double breasted grey jacket?!)
Hopefully, he will get a job soon (prayers and warm energy/happy thoughts may help here), because I REALLY don't want to be stuck in our teeny 3RD FLOOR apartment for another 6 months! I NEED a craft room for my biz! I NEED seperate rooms for our boys! I NEED a backyard! I NEED carpet that doesn't smell like dog/little boy pee and walls that don't have yucky grime from past smokers seeping through the paint! I NEED a countertop that doesn't stab me in the collar bone EVERY time I walk into the kitchen! I NEED windows with NEW blinds that aren't shredded and folded shards of metal! I NEED storage! I NEED a bathtub that isn't hugging the toilet so I can GIVE baths! rant. ends. here. Of course, I am very thankful to be living in a safe and warm environment.
By the way, have you met Edward Cullen? I have! I made him for a custom order. I would have done him a little differently if it wasn't for a custom request (like the eyes and hair) but he is still cute, no? His outfit even matches Robert Pattinson's movie promo photo shoot. If you love him, I can make you one (I love you and all, but not for free silly!), and if you love Twilight, then come and browse my Jeweled Ambrosia Bella bracelets and Twilight jewelry!!
Anywho, I thought I would celebrate by sharing a yummy recipe I happened upon. So enjoy!
Redonkulous Cookies Recipe

ps, Andies Mints, those drops of minty heaven works best in these!
pss, if you crave Girl Scout Thin Mints year round, then THESE Keebler Elves Grasshoppers will hold you over, my friends!! Oh, those naughty elves!
NOTE! Horrid lacy curtain is not mine, I ganked this image off the internet ;)

Matsutake Squirrel wooden pull toy
I thought it VERY important to post info about the CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act) testing that will be effecting us ALL in February 2009. It is a ridiculous safety test for toy/clothing makers of children (under the age of 12) that will drive prices to sky rocket as well as shut down MANY small business and stay at home moms. It would be MORE efficient to have raw materials already tested and not to import dangerous goods into the USA, but this is just another way for the gov to make some money. Read here for info and write your state reps to have this law amended!! HERE is a great post and HERE is another great post that breaks down testing product cost for the small time mom who makes bibs, hair bows and such, (warning, upsetting!) That means, you can't buy cute things such as THESE either EVER again, or not for a remotely affordable price! Also, this law will prohibit ANY donation or resale of used toys and clothing. That means no more donating to homeless shelters, Goodwill, no more selling your kids outgrown clothing to Kid ti Kid or on ebay, craigslist, gargage sales...
"Keep in mind as well, that is law will forbid fair trade in the US. There are literally thousands of families in developing countries, making beautiful and safe children' items, and selling them through fair trade initiatives such as Ten Thousand Villages. This law will eliminate the ability of women across the globe to support their families. This law will also make it illegal to recycle clothing of any kind, toys and all other children's items. The way that this legislation is written will force retailers to dump all untested inventory as of February 10. That could amount to millions of tons of pure waste in our country's landfills. To anyone who truly believes that this is unimportant, all I can say is that you are incredibly naive. This nation was built on the backs of entreprenuers... this law effectively kills the American dream for thousands of people." -lillipopsdesigns
Of course we want our toys and children to be safe and non toxic, but this law is designed to CRUSH the little guy and moake LOTS of money for large corporate monsters.

Fancy Bib Onesie by La Petite BeBe Boutique
I also wanted to show a piece from jewelry designer June Shin. She is a delight to work with, so take a peek at what she has to offer! If you love my jewelry designs, then you will love hers too!

One last cookie recipe from The Crocheted Baby (go check out her shop!!) I like how she gives the idea to wrap the top with colorful cellophane and tie with a bow, lollipop style. They would be cute like that in a little basket for party favors/yummy decor!

1 pkg (10-12 ozs) vanilla or white chips
2 Tbps shortening, divided
1 pkg (16 ozs) chocolate and crème sandwich cookies (such as double-stuffed Oreos) – you’ll have some left over
24 wooden popsicle or craft sticks
1 cup (6 ozs) semisweet chocolate chips
In a microwave or double boiler, melt vanilla chips and 1 Tbsp shortening; stir until smooth. Twist apart 24 sandwich cookies. Dip the end of each popsicle stick into melted chips; place on a cookie half and top with another half. Place cookies on a waxed paper-lined baking sheet; freeze for 15 minutes.
Reheat vanilla chip mixture again if necessary; dip frozen cookies into mixture until completely covered. (You should run out of melted vanilla chips before all 24 cookies are dipped – just put them back in the freezer with the others for now.) Return the dipped cookies to the baking sheet; freeze 30 minutes longer.
Melt the chocolate chips and remaining shortening; stir until smooth. Drizzle over cookies. You should have enough leftover melted chocolate to dip those 4 or 5 ‘naked’ cookies. Store them in an airtight container - in the refrigerator if your house is warm."

Adorable Gingerbread Man ornament by Elsie Marley. Check out her shop for more wonderful things! Get the pattern HERE!
One LAST GOODIE... FREE printable tags from the WONDERFul Black Apple! Go HERE to get your free download :)