So, I was talking to a neat seller,
Art by Rosemary, about a month ago and told her I would do a blog feature, but that thread got buried and I could never find it again. Well, she popped in the forums today searching for new sellers with no sales, so that she could purchase from them (awe, so sweet) and I recognized her shop as the one I had been searching for. I would so plaster my home with her artwork, if it wasn't pink taupe and sage (shudders) and only had one wall that is large enough for a painting! She has gorgeous contempory, abstract art in lovely rich, bold colors. While looking through her thread, I found this shop,
Kale, also with 0 sales. I don't think that is going to last long, because she has the most wondrously cute fabric creations, go check them out! Even a fabric charm, how sweet is that?!
On a side note, last night we cleaned like crazy, it looked so nice in here! I figured, well, if all of my crafting/jewelry items are far far out of reach, maybe today will be better (of course any production for me then is kaput)? Well, not exactly. This just made it even funner for my toddler to destroy furniture again. Did I ever tell you that I have to wrap bungee cords around my table legs so he won't break them apart? Well, I haven't been able to find those, so today I have been picking up chairs all day long. And couch cushions. He destroys the couches all day long, every day, in less than 10 seconds flat. Oh, my aching back, I feel like I have aged about 10 years this week alone, and I am serious when I say that I am in search of a good back brace.

Aaaaand, I got a new calling in church, nursery, yay! So, I struggle all week long with my son, then I struggle with him during church so I can attempt to hear the talks being given, and now, instead of dropping him off in nursery so I can have 2 hours of peace to hear lessons, I get to go and struggle with him and 18 other kids for 2 hours. I definatly feel like God is trying to teach me a lesson at this point, punishment maybe for my lack of creativity of parenting? When I stood up to be sustained at church for the calling, I tried SO HARD to smile, but my husband said it looked like I was sucking on sour lemons and about to cry at the same time. During nursery, he was pretty much the only one who disobeyed and threw tantrums. Great, I am the mom of THAT kid. The one that other moms probably look at like, "Oh, she must be a terrible parent, can't even keep her own kid under control." Every week the nursery leader is like "Oh, we had to put him in time-out again." Yet, when I tell them "sorry, I know he can be difficult" people always respond back, "Oh no, he isn't difficult! He's just a boy, that is how they are, he is an excellent kid." Oh yeah? Then how come none of the other kids get put in time out? Why is he the only one who is acting nutso and screams and destroys everything in his path like a hurricane.

wood sign by
Morning Star DesignDid you know that his wooden bed frame is DUCK TAPED to a BARBELL, because he kept flipping it over and destroying it? His mattress is actually NAILED down to his bedframe, because he has shredded it as well? His furniture is in our verry cramped little room because he tears it apart and climbs it? His brother can't even sleep in his own crib, for fear the he will climb in and smother him? Don't get me wrong, I love, love, LOOOVE my kid and my baby, my toddler is a complete angel when he wants to be (about 50% of the time) and he is so stinking smart, and adorable. I am just exhausted and tired during the other 50% of the time.

motherhood shirt by
Juror2So, I outed myself on Etsy about having bouts of regrets of parenthood, and most women were pretty understanding about having similar feelings at times. They gave me a lot of support and great ideas to keep him somewhat occupied that I will be trying this week. A lot of things I can't do, like take him to the park/library... because for one, carrying 2 children up and down 3 flights of stairs is very difficult for me to do, so I only leave our home when necesary, and because he is a runner. He takes off and runs away, fast, and I can't chase him while pushing a stroller or holding my baby, so those types of things are out (yes, I have tried a harness/leash, but he throws tantrums even worse so I end up dragging him, and then, he just takes it off anyways). So ladies, if you want to know why I don't do play dates, or get togethers at parks and such, here is the honest truth.

Now, I have a whole week to recuperate and try this nursery thing again, as I know, I will probably learn something valuable in there, and I am thankful to be able to teach the sweet little ones! So, in the meantime, think I will just move into this little fairy cottage and eat potatoes and Indian food and chocolate, and dance around in tutus and rhinestones (yes, it is a real house, I found it on
Strawberry Anarchy’s blog).