Let's talk garlands. More so, I write you read, we shall chat with our minds. Pennants, banners, buntings, single flags, what'ere you wish to name them, they are the same in spirit. Usually they are triangular pieces of fabric (though some surprises occur as well) in a lovely line or toothpicks to hang in various themes.
Where have I seen them? Weddings? check. Parties? check. Cakes? check. Let's face it, they are everywhere! Have you bannered up yet? Do you dislike them? Too circus-y for you? Do you want one?
kevin + paige lovely wedding ( page 1 here, page 2 here, page 3 here)
Now, we can see all of the lovely lovely banners can be used in so many ways! They are everywhere, and they can be all over your home too! I wrote a little tutorial on making a no sew easy fabric garland here if you are in a crafty type mood. ... and I had about 10 more to show you too that were stunning, but all of my amazing blogging and shop redo photos have been lost... so bare with me as I try to cope these next two weeks!
Also... I am having a free shipping sale in my Jeweled Ambrosia shop to all of my blog readers! Just mention that you read my blog upon checkout and I will refund your shipping via Paypal as well as include a little "thank you" gift in your package!

all of these banners are beautiful. my faves are the balloon banner and the heart banner...i also love the little banner around the cake.
banners can be so unique depending on the materials or fabric choice. thanks for sharing! xo
I LOVE fabric garlands! nothing says joy like colorful flags in the breeze!
Love all these pictures! Flag banners are every where lately, and I love it! I wish I had one! I love the retro fabric ones!
So lovely, I especially like fabric and leaf garland.
I love LOVE love garlands, banners, and pennants. I make them for every season, every party, every thing! Thanks for the inspiring ideas + photographs!
Your blog is lovely! Thanks for the comment...I hope you'll stop by again even though I have a love/hate thing with Twilight. Mocking it is practically my part time job.
Never would have thought there was so many ways to use a banner! Thanks for the inspiration, and thanks for coming by my blog today.
My fav is the balloon and heart banner. I usually only use banners for Bday parties and it's usually the theme of my sons bday party. I love arts and crafts, I can't wait to view more of your posts!!
I think they are cute. I can't really think of a reason to have one though.
Maybe in a craft show booth?
I don't know about putting them on a wedding cake, but there are some really fun uses I hadn't really thought about. These are adorable!
Now I feel like planning a party!
I love that stamp! What a great way to show some extra thought in a letter!
I love the balloons & the punched-out hearts the best =)
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