Monday, October 19, 2009

Halloween Black & White Elegance

fireplace mantle with garland and pumpkins - good housekeeping

I have never been a fan of scary, horror type things. Not even movies. So when it comes to Halloween decorating, I love to keep it classic and elegant, maybe with a little spooky mix. I love cutesy stuff too, but my main style is classic black and white, with maybe a hint of color thrown in. So that is what you will find today. Later in the week, we will visit the orange, vintage fall and harvest style that I love. If you don't have white pumpkins, then paint the ones you have white. You can glitter, stud, rhinestone, carve, anything with them.

I saw this home in a magazine a few years ago and had to post them! Her home had a gorgeous mad scientist feel to it. This was the design that first opened my eyes to the elegant side of Halloween decorating. Love her use of cloches, crowsm spider webs and vintage finds. 
Better Homes and Gardens (bhg)

the masquerade mask and milky liquid is perfect - bhg

mixing the black and white with harvest, it works! - country living



clock faces, crow and nest in a bell jar and spider webs - bhg


black and white candy and licorice in elegant bell jars and candle tea light holders - pottery barn

black, white and cream pumpkins, perfect - pottery barn

love the bat tree in the pumpkin - good housekeeping

black feather wreaths, scene setter poster tablescape - apartment therapy

white painted pumpkin with a simple stenciled design - bhg

haunted tablescape with cheesecloth cobweb table cloth - good housekeeping






white gentleman pumpkin, sleepy hollow, anyone? loving ichabod in a tophat- bhg


painted spider, foix bois woodgrain and spider web on white painted pumpkins - country living


fabricatedends said...

Great Photos, thanks for sharing.
I am giving you the "lovely blog award." Please stop by my site and pick it up

Chanda said...

Great finds. Those spiders on the wall by the cheesecloth ghosts, Creepy, with a capital C!

boatbaby said...

I am all about "classic" Halloween too. And I love white pumpkins, or any non-orange pumpkins with funky shapes are just too much fun!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I am seriously SWOONING over all of this cuteness!

Your blog is amazing!

Winchester Manor said...

Now that's my idea of Halloween decorating!! I love every single detail. Thanks for this inspiration!!

Emmy said...

That bat tree is so cute!!
And I love the word BOO in the three frames. So many cute things. Most of these make me think, someday when my kids are bigger and don't destroy things :)
(P.S--thanks for coming by my blog and posting a little reminder to write your love story)

Kristi~The Slipcover Girl said...

You're so sweet! Thanks for the props! I am so inspired by all those other photos...totally want to redo everything!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, now I want a mad scientist house. Awesome!

C A said...

Hi, I've just found your blog and I love it, as well as the pictures!! Now following you, follow me 2! ;)

MAISON CHAPLIN: fashion shows, backtage, interviews with the best designers, photoshoots!

Follow me now @

niartist said...

These pictures are so inspirational and positively boo-tiful! Thanks for shairng. My first time to your blog - and I'm lovin' it! Hope you can stop by and see my Dining Room turned Library. I was gonna just try it for the picture - but I think I might have a library for good now! LOL! Take care!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Gorgeous decorations! I love them all!

Brittanie Gordon said...

Love your halloween finds! Im a new follower! Come check mine out.. pretty similar!


bree said...

AWESOME! Where did you get the scene setter?

Unknown said...

I love the black, white and cream pumpkins designs. I really like the black and white combination especially partnered with Machine cut rhinestones. And I'm happy that the combined color is also best for Halloween. Thanks for the idea.

Unknown said...

I was browsing for unique and awesome Indoor/Outdoor halloween decorations and saw your posts. Fun & great ideas you have here. I hope it's fine with you that I could pin some of them on my Pinterest board halloween decorations. Keep up writing interesting posts as this. Thank you :)

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