YES! I know I have no posing abilities!! I will try and improve :)
As a stay at home mom, I *rarely* get dressed up, and that's saying a lot for a hairstylist who used to live to get all fashioned out. So, for my very first outfit post and Clothed Much's Rule Breaking Monday, I thought this white on white outfit was appropriate. I tend to shy away from color (I'm trying to change that), so all my cardigans are white or ivory. I didn't think a white blouse would work under a white cardi, but I kind of like it. I loved this swiss dot blouse, but it does a weird poof thing when I tuck it since it's an empire waisted tie shirt and is an awkward length untucked, so I needed to cover it since I haven't hemmed it yet.
{cardi: target/ skirt: h&m thrifted, blouse: jc pennies, belt: thrifted vintage, necklace: vintage rhinestone}
I see now how this cardigan has a bubble shape right above the hem and doesn't work with the belt, and I'm not feeling the pleated skirt either, but at least it helped control the shirt poofiness.... oh well, better luck next time!
*Don't forget about my jewelry shop sale and jewelry giveaway here!*

Welcome to the world of fashion blogging! The white on white does indeed look good. I think it's because of the texture and print of the shirt underneath.
So cute! I love the eyelet.
Pretty outfit. I love the blouse. Thanks for sharing! Luv-Loretta
Lovely blouse! And topping it with the whitecardigan really works. i like the skirt, too!
I love it too! The lacy shirt is so fabulous!
I do like the white on white. At least you tried something new, and it's only one day. Thank you for stopping by my blog, and have a great week.
My Heart Blogged
you're adorable! and i think the white on white is lovely! well done! and i totally get the stay at home mom, not getting dressed thing - i have an 8 month old and thats part of the reason i wanted to do the blog - to help motivate me to not wear sweats every day!
I think the white on white look is very effective. I actually wish I had more white in my wardrobe. Also love the project on Elaine's blog at the moment, I might try and participate in it as well.
wow very cute outfit!! I love that belt!! You are so pretty!
Livy Love
LOVE this outfit girl! You are too cute!
Meet Virginia Design
Thank you for your comment! Very cute outfit, I think the white on white works well! I hate it when tops do that funny poof thing when you want to tuck them in, so annoying!
Love love this! Feel free to link up to my Fashion Friday, love white on white!
Cute blouse! I can definitely understand the whole annoying poof thing. It happens to me all the time. It may be the most annoying outfit issue ever! But you fixed it quite well. :)
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