Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Inspired Interiors: Subtle Florals and Natural Pink Undertones

We just got back in town, and my Christmas decorating is still everywhere. I'm longing to put it all away and have a clean slate.  There is something so simple, yet full of character in these following images, I hope to incorporate some sense of crisp color and personality in the home eventually, while maintaining a natural feel. I love the subtle use of florals to work that romantic feel. (If only I could paint those dark beige renter walls.)
Is it just me, or do these images feel a little bit country, a little bit modern?
Also, I came across this post at Censational Girl, that talks about taking better pictures of interiors. I guess I had better learn to work my manual shooting!

rustic pink and black/white dining room ~ shilo byrd

Possibly my favorite. the plank floors, the modern bed and subtle colors with a flash of florals. 
Such a cozy and airy feeling.

*And if you want some inspiration overload of similar design ideas, then visit
Alexc's pintrest or Seamlife Creative's Pintrest.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Homefront: Christmas at Home

  Our Christmas decorating has undergone a few changes over the past two weeks.

 Our teeny weeny tree (that looked even crazy smaller last year in front of our huge apartment window)

 got knocked down a few times...

Then, one day I went out for donuts while the boys were working on cars, (thanks Arne!) and came across this beauty at a garage sale for $10... they even delivered it to us for free.

 I started a tradition of the very first and last ornaments to be placed on the tree to be a nativity, to help us focus on the meaning of the season.

 A little handmade ornament I made a few years back.

 I love this ornament, I bought a few to give as gifts, and my mother in law 
got us one as a gift, she knows me well!

My boys love the Santa, along with the white shabby star/snowflake ornaments we
got on antiquing on our honeymoon.

 Their absolute favorite, a retro Christmas car, from pier one last year I think.

So, our mantle all bedecked with garland (shown in detail here) got turned into the one below. 
Garland with little boys hanging down can only last for so long.

 We used what we could for a little yard decorating. we had more candy canes, but they
got broken by some particularity interested little boys.

The door has this wreath on it I made last year, minus the letter "A" and with some 
additional gold snowflakes added. Christmas wreath tutorial here
 We made puppy chow (recipe here) for our neighbors and friends and gave them out. 
Our neighbors thought it was a little weird, do people not get to know their neighbors anymore?! 
I wish we had more baggies of treats to give to our new church friends, but I ran out! 
Puppy chow is super easy and yummy, but crazy messy!

Then I made chocolate covered sprinkle pretzels (recipe here)  for my honey's work. So tasty.
Obviously, you can tell I lack in the actual baking and candy and fudge making component here. 
Any recipes would be most welcome!

 I loved this little bag Isaac got at precshool. A cute little ornament made from scrappy foil confetti and glitter.
Thanks Mrs. Candy for being such a good preschool teacher!

Another one of my favorite honey moon ornaments. A white shabby heart... my little
Caleb broke it a day or so after this pic was taken.

Since we are trying to do less and be more this season, I'm trying to maintain sanity and the remember the true gift we have. If you would like a lovely movie about the birth of Christ to play to help invite that in, this Joy to the World is my favorite. For lots of family ideas to incorporate the Spirit of Christ back into your traditions and heart, this site has plenty of ideas and resources, from family activities to music, games, short devotional videos and inspirational talks. I also recommend this book called, "A Special Place for Santa" by Jeanne Pieper to help tie in the spirit of Santa with the spirit of the Christ Child.

Well my dears, may your Christmas be merry and bright. May your gifts be returnable, your goodies low in fat and your gift wrappings recyclable. May you have safety and peace and get along with those pesky stressful holiday get togethers. May the spirit and love of Christ speak to your hearts and let there be much rejoicing in his birth! May your souls be filled with the glow of the season.

 Merry Christmas!

Inspired Christmas: The White Tree

I have never had a white Christmas tree before. I am hoping to at least have a partially flocked one next year or to at least have a mini one sometime. I simply adore them. They can be eclectic or graceful, kitschy or elegant, so many ways to style them. What is your Christmas tree preference?

country living

apartment therapy


home sweet home

home sweet home