Friday, November 12, 2010

Inspired Blog: LifefLix

I love the  room redo shown above. So hodge podge, simple, and full of personality.

I discovered a sweet blog awhile back by Marichelle called Lifeflix. She has the most beautiful baby ever (who wore the most adorable owl Halloween costume and who also has the most adorable nursery) and her blog is really a breath of fresh air. I'm loving her Operation Lose Baby Fat series right now. If you love adorable and simple crafts (like the  clouds craftstwig mobile and kid's animal masks), healthy and delicious recipes, and original eye candy, then do visit.



  1. OOOh that green cabinet is stunning!!! I haven't seen that blog before but will definitely stop by to drool a little more.
    Thanks for sharing~

  2. It is a simple hodgepodge and I'm lovin it!

  3. It's beautiful. I am in love with it now.


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