Monday, July 26, 2010

The Little Memorial Shell

I love this shell. I grew up with it and for some reason, I took it when I moved out. I don't even remember doing it. I wonder if my mom misses it? There is no significance behind this shell that I can remember.

I can't remember if it came from a store, or if it came from a beach in Hawaii. But, it holds a special place in my heart. You see, there is a picture of my dad holding a Tritan Trumpet shell that he found scuba diving when we lived in Hawaii, he was a very young man. He is holding the shell, with a huge smile on his face, and someone in the picture is wearing a striped shirt... striped almost exactly like this shell. I need to find this picture.

So, in my slightly ocd, facts connecting mind, this shell reminds me of my dad. And I will always treasure it.

Do you have any objects that aren't actually heirlooms, but you treat them as such anyways because of feelings they produce for obscure reasons?


  1. My mom has these vintage christmas three mice, that she gave to each of me and my sisters, because it holds that sentimental value you were talking about. Everytime i display the mice at christmas time it always reminds me of being a little girl and sneaking them into my room and playing with them, and my mother going beth...did u take my mice again?..Im glad to have them now (:

  2. That shell is so beautiful. It's quite inspiring for artistic pieces. I could see that pattern made into a beautiful fabric or some sort of visual artwork. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I know what you mean! My dad got this random soap stone carved rabbit for a house warming gift. He didn't really care for it and some how it ended up coming to college with me and every move since then. I love it. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I have moved so many times that I have lost most of my treasures. I have a wooden box that my Grandpa made for me, that I treasure.

  5. I am not sure if I do but this is such a beautiful shell!!

  6. Unfortunately I don't! I wish I did...


  7. Wow, that is such a touching tale. Funny thing I had a shell just like the one you have there when I was a child and I ADORED it. Something about those colorful stripes.


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