Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Geometric Ethnic Red

My dress is usually influenced by my surroundings. I have talked about in the past, if I am wearing red, for example, then when I go shopping, I automatically gravitate towards anything red.

Whether my mood was attracted to red in the first place, thus prompting me to wear red, or I am simply influenced by my clothing color and match everything I see to it is a tough question to answer.

amazing vintage mirror I found on craigslist... if only I had $150 to spend!

But I feel it is most likely a little bit of both causing this shift in my slightly ocd world. But, I like this quirk. It gives me balance and predictability. It foreshadows my moods and my decorating. I dictates my blog posts!

Tonight, I must be in a slightly ethnic, geometric, red and navy, ecclective, romantic vintage mood. You?

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