Sunday, May 22, 2011

Personal Style: Chambray on Denim. diy Accessory

I know this is a big style right now, but I never thought I would wear this trend. I especially love, love how Sydney and Elaine have styled the chambray tops with the wide leg trousers and their variation in color with a lighter top.

But, I found these skinny jeans at a garage sale for like $1 and the distressed shirt cheap on ebay, so thought I would give it a shot with what I had. (Yes, it's another Miley Cyrus button up, embarrassing! I got the shirt here, there are still several left).

Pretty much my whole outfit was scavanged. T-strap shoes, thrifted/ jeans, garage sale/ ralph lauren bag, thrifted/ vintage bakelite earrings, garage sale/ vintage cuff, garage sale/ shirt, ebay/ vintage lace, antique mall/ vintage brooch, antique mall. The whole outfit was probably less than $30.

For a bit of interest, I wadded up a yard of soft, vintage peach lace and pinned it to my shirt using this vintage rhinestone brooch. I thought the peach lace complimented the vintage orange bakelite earrings nicely and added a small hint of color. It's nice to do something unexpected every now and then, what do you like to do?


  1. The brooch is so creative and adds a nice touch to your whole outfit!


  2. Youre too cute lisa... oh to be young and skinny again!! lol!
    have a great week

  3. Yes...denim on denim...a very hard look for me to bring myself to do...


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