Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Inspired Color: Pinks and Wild Florals

I feature pink a lot on here, (like here) or sfgirlbybays post here). It's something that can be very soft and sweet, but I love it with a hint of a gothic feel, even masculine. I'm not a big 'hot pink' person, but there is a fine line with the intensity of the color and what it's paired with for a mature audience.

 Paired with these pink touches, there seems to be an element of some nature inspired flourish. Flowers, branches, zebra stripes or whatever, I'm seeing a recurring theme and I'm loving it.

living room ~lonny mag

pincusion chair pumpkin pouf plumo

 floral tapestry wallpaper, french provencal bedroom

 fireplace pink and white eclectic fireplace with zebra rug ~ domino


  1. I like pink, but I feel like in my house it's too Barbie. But these are pretty!

  2. love the pincushion chair!
    peace & love.

  3. such beautiful rooms! I love pink!
    thanks for always sharing such neat stuff!

  4. I found you while searching mantle ideas. I love your style. I'll be following you!
    Karen@ Joy, Junk and Juxtaposition

  5. Ooooh...where does one find a pink copy of Wuthering Heights!? looks antique. I usually try to stay gender neutral in my decor to appease the boyfriend but these little touches of pink are perfect.

  6. I love the lonny mag picture and the provencal bedroom!


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