Thursday, November 4, 2010

DIY Cuckoo Clocks

I have always loved cuckoo clocks. They remind of the fall, since they usually feature woodland themes, so it's really the perfect time for them. My mother in law has a very ornate one from Germany when they lived there and it's so sweet. One day I would love one of my own from my own world travels. This diy pair from ever kelly are simple crafts, complete with an instruction list and tutorial here.(click here for pdf version)...something that could tide me over and look charming in our home.


  1. These are fun. I think my grandmother had one.

  2. No way! I'm usually really lazy with projects, but this one I can really get behind. These are adorable!

    (I think I'll always want a more traditional one also, but these are so fun!)

    Thanks so much for sharing!


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