Monday, July 5, 2010

Sweet Lolita Tea Party

Isn't she so cute? There's a *little bit* of a lolita schoolgirl in her. Some days, I feel like getting dolled up like this, then I remember I can't stand tights, and I don't do mini dresses.

I love how the sweets table, everything is proportional and set apart from each other in even spaces. French macaroons, pastel confections, cherry topped cupcakes, bundt cakes, jello molds and perfectly piped cakes, are just the right touch of elegant meets girly.

 I love all of the decadent white as well, from the gauzy curtains and dress, to the tea cart, chandelier and sofa. The neutrals to really make the colors of the sweets and pastel shoes appear magical.

Looks like someone had a sugar crash. What do you think got her, a day of baking, or too many sweets?
From Vogue Girl, Korea, 2007.


  1. ha! loved this post!
    now I need something sweet! I think i'm going to have a milkshake!!
    hugs and have a great week!

  2. oh wow, this is such a sweet and fun photoshoot!! i love all of the pretty china and nicely decorated cakes!! the girl looks great in that setting too!

  3. I love love love these pictures! Great post!!

  4. Those pics are gorgeous! And I love her big hair bow! It's getting my juices flowing for a sweet little tea party for my girls :)

  5. What a gorgeous photoshoot! SHe's adorable, and so pretty, and the styling is done just right!!
    (btw, I'm having a giveaway on my blog...)

  6. I love the look of these pictures. They are so delicate but it has that mad hatter tea party alice wonderland feel to them. I love that. Wonderul post

  7. How sweet! Beauty and sweetness are delicate things when combined but the results are totally awesome. Lace wigs and motown tress wigs will surely add life to the drama too. Thanks for sharing the sweet pictures!

  8. Even though this isn't Lolita [the skirts/dresses are far too short and we only wear tights during the winter- wool tights. You can't just put a girl in a sort dress, plop an Alice bow on her head and call her a Lolita.], it has a very Lolita feel to it. I really like all of the cakes and sweets! <3


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