Thursday, June 10, 2010

Please. Enjoy. Love. Safely

This is the big weekend where we temporarily move in with the in-laws. I choose to look at it as a new journey, it helps keep things focused and positive. So, wherever you are in this world, geographically, metaphorically, emotionally... may your weekend be fun, safe, peaceful and happy.


  1. Oh wow! I love that quote about the sun and earth! Thank you! Stay positive like you are, and I am sure you will make it through this just fine. And maybe even learn something if you are lucky!

  2. Its great that your inlaws have room for you. Temporary is your key word. It'll all be good. I always say "this is but a moment in time, this will evolve and change into what ever comes next!"
    Purelypaige said the right thing... "stay Positive!" What a great blessing for your inlaws and for all of you! Just think of all the extra love that will be passed around between you all!

  3. Best to you in the transition! I love the last 2 photos especially -- fabulous positive advice! Thank you!

  4. Good luck Lisa!! We are thinking of moving in with my parents for a bit too. You just can't beat the free rent! And the fact that it is temporary just makes it all better!


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