Saturday, June 19, 2010

Family Time: Impromptu Couples Photo Shoot

It was my mother's birthday, and we gathered with all six grandson's for a nice 'ole time at my sister's. Boys, taking a break from the trampoline to devour some cake, us ladies, sitting around chatting, and the one lone male adult was nowhere to be found.

I wondered outside, and here he was, sitting on this roof, reflecting, looking at a cut on his hand from climbing a fence. But, man was not meant to be alone... so I moseyed on over to that swing set behind this adorable shed and heft myself up, all clumsily ninja like. I've lost my stealth.

Then, my sister came out to see what we crazy kids were up to and started snapping pictures.

It turned out to be a good day for an impromptu photo op.

When was the last time you had a little unplanned photo time with your sweetheart? Something you could frame? Anytime is a good time to do it. Seriously, just go grab a friend who can take a semi decent photo, act natural and kind of half hug and stuff for twenty minutes in a semi attractive background. Then upload your photos to Picasa or some other user friendly photo editing program like Picnik, and crop out unsightly background things (like a pooping dog in the corner, telephone line, dead patch of grass or a garbage can), brighten photos or whatever you need for a semi decent shot. It'll be a nice change to have something casual and impromptu.

 And free. Never forget the free part. Have fun with angles and don't be afraid to be yourself. I Heart Faces has lots of good ideas on styling and photo editing. A few more good photography and styling resources here, and here. I will probably go in a add some warmth and haze to some of the photos for a dreamy effect. You can do whatever you want. Making the photos black and white or sepia toned is a nice choice if you question the color or photographer's skills, or if your outfits don't match. Maybe the photos won't be the highest of quality, or won't be blow up poster size, but that isn't what matters.

Feet pictures are safe and trendy. No shiny foreheads, muffin tops, weird hump back shots, windy hair, goofy smiles, half blinks, bra straps, food in teeth, inappropriate giggling, balding spots or gobble necks to hide here.

Perspective shots are fun. And to think I cut almost six inches off of my hair yesterday. I can't believe it was that long, and I, a woman who has sported a shaved head... already miss it.

So un-ninja like, he helped me down. It's nice getting older, and losing our swiftness and agility together. One day, we plan on going grocery shopping in bath robes, slippers and canes, [mildly] swearing up a storm and being rude elderly people to those cursed teens, just for the fun of it.

But for now, we will start [next week] working on getting back in shape together and trimming down those gobble necks and love handles.


  1. You guys are so cute, and you can totally get how in love you two are from these images!

  2. You guys are adorable. :) These are the type of photos where you can "see the love". Thanks for sharing. I will have to check out some of those sites.

  3. So cute of you two! I love your unplanned pictorial. :-)


  4. LOVE the pictures of you two! You are both so photogenic :) We miss you guys a ton!!

  5. Those are such cute photos :) My hubs and I need to do that soon!


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