Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dreams and Woes

While I tell my sad little story, I shall enchant your eyes by this ABSOLUTELY amazing Korean photographer, Yeondoo Jung. In his Wonderland series of photos, he took children's drawings and created stunning photographs of his interpretation. Check out his site and work and be inspired.

We are planning on taking a vacation later this summer, and so we have been praying that our car wouldn't break down during the trip. Well, our prayer was answered... it broke down BEFORE the trip. Yep... our timing belt went out and it will cost us a whopping $1500 (wait, my dear father in law talked them down $500, so we will pay $1000). Which is no fun, no fun at all. It is especially no fun since we spent $200 replacing a car window that vandals busted out LAST WEEK (and stole our coin tray), and $800 on a broken air conditioner LAST MONTH. Did I mention that almost 3 years ago we replaced the engine and air compressor for a lovely $4000 ?

So, we are trying to decide, do we love this 10 year old car enough to spend more on it, or do we tow it to Car Max and trade that baby in for a mini van? I think we are going to hang on to it for at least another year... or maybe get this fixed and trade in our even older truck. The Texas incentive to get 10 year old cars off the road with a nice discount towards a purchase of a new car is looking mighty fine right about now.

I say our prayer was answered because... well, it was. If our car was going to break down anyways, I am thankful God (possibly) forced it to break down now, than while we are driving in the middle of nowhere with no family or funds around to help. I love God, He really knows what He is doing, and I am sooo thankful we are safe at least.

Do you know what the most hilarious part is? The place that my car broke down (while I was driving it to the post office to ship some orders by the way), was the SAME EXACT place it broke down last time when the engine exploded!?!?!

Oiy, I need some chocolate, dang, no chocolate (rolls eyes at hubby who snarffed down the last of our ice cream)... maybe some watermelon than. This painting by one of my favorite artists The Dreamy Giraffe, pretty much sums up my state of mind. I think I will dream of these candied apples (healthy, yes?) of heavenliness by Double Dipped Sweets instead.


  1. Sorry to hear about your car....If you do ever decide to get rid of that clunker...I can recommend a great place called www.junkacar.com that will buy the car off you regardless of the condition....Just a suggestion :)

    Best of Luck!!!!

  2. i am so sorry i heard about the car the other day that is no fun!! but I am sure glad that it happened before your trip. Where are you guys going on vacation?

  3. So sorry to hear about all your car troubles. Car repairs are just no fun. How strange it broke down in the very same place - very Twilight Zone!

    Wishing you cookies, the chocolate kind :)


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