Friday, April 18, 2008

Another Kind of Art

So, if you read my blog, you know I like to feature treasuries. I do this for 2 reasons. One, is because they look so "stingin stripey" (yes, I have now seen The Bee Movie 20 times), and another is because they feature a lot of beauty with minimal headache... on my part by the way.

So, today, I will feature the art behind putting a great treasury together. There are many Etsians that create treasuries "professionally", and here is one of my favorites. I don't know how they figure out when one is opening, they must have their clocks set by it. I have gotten two treasuries before, both opened after midnight, and my hands were all shaky and sweaty and my heart was racing in my throat from the excitement that I got them, that I was paranoid that I would lose them before I hit the "enter" button. Alas, I digress.

Today, I give you Jenarter. She has curated many glorious treasuries that have graced the front pages of Etsy multiple times. But no wonder she has an eye for putting treasuries together, her own jewelry creations are amazing as well. Check it:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I used to do a lot of drawing, it is something I truly enjoy with minimal storage for supplies, so I can't figure out why I haven't done it in a while. On Etsy's Alchemy requests (where a buyer posts a "want ad" for custom items, and sellers bid to do the project) I have been selected to do a number of fun art. Here is one I am working on now.

It is an ink drawing of the Empire State building. I drew 2 (yes 2!)... and my dilema is that I prefer the first steeple over the second. I was able put the old steeple onto the new building drawing and it looks way awesome, but I am unable to save it as a whole picture, still trying to work on that. I am of course not an archetect, and my art classes of yore have long passed, so the lines aren't all perfectly aligned with the horizon... but the point is for a good and homey, handrawn appeal. Anyways, here it is for your veiwing pleasure!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Oh happy day!

How do you like my very first charm necklace! I love it so much, I am going to be making more :)

It was such a treat checking the mail box today! I recieved a sweet haircomb from Red are the Roses, some shiny vintage optical lenses, a metal hole punch so I can finally use some of my brass stampings in my jewelry designs, lovely fabric swatches from Paper Hill Fabrics and From Holland with Love, lockets and vintage flower cabachons from Bead Supplies.

I purchased a monster mug from Gary Rith for my hubby last year, and Rith had one in "not perfect condition", so he sent it to me as a gift! It even has a tongue. Now, we don't have to fight over who gets to use the monster cup.

Also, last night, the hubster found a great tutorial for making puppets with moving brows. It adds a whole new personality to them. Here's our guy with his eyes opened, and closed. Isn't he such a grumpy looking fellow? I ordered some fabulous furs in vibrant colors, so you will see some more new puppet creations pretty soon.

Friday, April 4, 2008


I haven't been out much during the daytime, but I know bluebonnets are starting to arrive! I can't wait to find a good patch of them so that we can take cute family photos. If any of you have bluebonnet shots, send em my way, wouldn't a blogpost full of smiley kids in those flowers be so sweet!?

Now, I have many different creative pursuits, the list is shocking... but for one, my jewelry is often aged and vintage, yet I have all of these bright beads, so I figured I would mix a little of them togther and come up with this lovely bracelet for spring. What do you think? I encourage everyone to branch out and expirement out side of the box at least once this week.